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Microsoft first included Solitaire in their Windows operating system to teach people how to drag and drop.

(source: über-facts.com)

  4231 Hits

Shopping Time

So it is Sidewalk Sale time in Downtown Arlington Heights!  You may not know this about me, but I don't like to shop - unless it is for events. However, I am looking forward to the upcoming sidewalk sale.  I like exploring the shops in downtown Arlington Heights.  Not all of them are chains and usually I find some nice gifts.  Yes, I am already doing my holiday gift shopping (shhh...don't tell my family).  

If you have never been to Arlington Heights, it's a nice introduction to the area. With the many restaurants and the sale to boot, it could easily be the best time you have all weekend.  You can get a jump on your weekend on Thursday after your morning coffee, as sales start at 10 am.  

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  3480 Hits

Techie Terms Defined

Techie Terms Defined

So, I have to admit this post is a little out of the norm.  I saw something a little geeky that I just have share.  I ran across an article about the new words being added to Oxford Dictionary Online for the month of August and I was a little surprised.  From what I understand typically only a few words are added each month but this time more than 60 were added and they were very techie.  

Words like bitcoin, selfie and phablet were defined in Oxford Dictionary Online.  I embarrassingly admit how happy I am to see a bunch a new terms added both so that I can send beloved friends and family to a dictionary the next time they ask me to define a tech term but also new words for my word games - competitors look out!

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  4065 Hits


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Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day

  3363 Hits


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Original name of Yahoo!

Yahoo! was originally called 'Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web'.

(source: http://www.collingwoodsearch.co.uk/resources/top-tips-for-companies/10-interesting-business-facts.html)

  3613 Hits

Too many hats

Too many hats

Sound familiar?  Maybe it's time to take a long weekend and give the "hats" a rest.  

(image courtesy of: Small Business Trends, Small Business Cartoons)

  4898 Hits

Last Grillin' of the Summer

Last Grillin' of the Summer

Time sure did fly by!  

Here we are at the end of the summer, the last weekend before Labor Day next week. With the latest 90 degree heatwave in Chicagoland, it is perfect for that last summer grill fest.  I hate to think about how soon it will be too cold to sit out on a deck or porch hanging out with family and friends.  It also means that we will have to work that much harder to remember to relax when there isn't any sun or high temperatures causing tempting thoughts of playing hooky.

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  3166 Hits


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64 GB SanDisk on the Go

64 GB SanDisk on the Go

The other day I was talking with a friend, well we were arguing about an event and what really happened.  To settle it, my friend pulled out their smartphone and scrolled through their images to find the one that would prove one way or another, who was right.  As we waited for the search end, my friend commented that they had to "clean up" to free up space.  

This caused a turn in the conversation to data storage, physical vs. cloud and so on.  For computers we can plug in a USB drive, push to a cloud account and the like.  What about our mobile devices and tablets?  Depending on your mobile device there may be a built-in method of storing "off-device" but what about sharing with others - assuming you are not using Facebook or something?  What about when stuck on the road?

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  3471 Hits


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3 to Done

3 to Done

Ever find your to do list overwhelming?  One method that works for me is to identify the top three tasks that have to get done that day.  This does two things: 1.) I helps with prioritization; and 2.) sets up small wins. It's great to be able to check off tasks, well in this case three items off the ever-growing list of action items.  The bonus is that if the top three are done early, you can knock off early and add in some leisure time.

This is not a new concept but one often forgotten - by me included.  When I jot down my top 3 for the day, I put it on a Post-it ® note so when I am done, not only can I check things off but can toss them out.  What about the other tasks on the list?  Each day repeat the process, Prioritize, Choose 3 and Do 3.  I keep the Master List, that's where all of the new items go and the top 3 come from.  
If you don't want the paper and you can do this with your favorite electronic to do list.  The important part is to Prioritize, Choose 3 and Do 3, each day,
Have you tried this method?  Does it work for you? 

  3398 Hits


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Food for Thought

Food for Thought

Fun Fact Friday!!!

Stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS.

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  4124 Hits


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Embracing the Roller Coaster

Embracing the Roller Coaster

When I was younger and fantasized about becoming a business guru, I'd planned to own an empire with offices in popular cities like Chicago, New York, London, and the like.  I also was under the impression that business would be steady, predictable and linear.  

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  4267 Hits


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Federal Agency Opportunities for Small Businesses

Friday is apart of the weekend, right?!  This Friday, Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is moderating a panel discussion during Small Business Workshop Friday, August 23, 2013 from 11 am to 1 pm. This is apart of the Small Business Development Center resources available at Harper College, Palatine, IL

Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 

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  3576 Hits


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To Video or not to Video

To Video or not to Video

I may be showing my age but do you remember "video killed the radio star" back from the early days of MTV?  Back then they played music videos all day?  Nowadays many websites have videos embedded on their landing page, should yours?  There are several schools of thought on this as more and more content marketing is going "video".

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  4718 Hits


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Single task to get done faster

Single task to get done faster

It may seem counterintuitive but if you have a lot to do, what business owner doesn't, multitasking is not the way to go.  I have been working on this myself.  For years I multitasked and marveled at those would didn't.  Then I tried it and OMG, I was getting more done in less time.  Ok, so of course I had to investigate into why,  I pooled my friends - they are a pretty smart bunch.  I found more were single taskers than I expected.  With this new revelation, I had to try it.  Ya know what?!  I got through  more of my action items, FASTER.  How can that be?  Well, I am not a scientist so I took the web and here's an article I found helpful from Live Science titled, Why Humans are Bad at Multitasking.  It seems to make sense and I vaguely recall hearing somewhere about the time it tasks for the brain to shift.  So armed with this new insight, I am now a reformed multitasker.
Do you multitask?  Thinking about changing?

  3341 Hits

3 Most Valuable Brand Names

Fun Fact Friday! 

The 3 most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.

(source: http://www.begent.org/funfact.htm)

  2982 Hits

Help to Change Your Company's Mind

Help to Change Your Company's Mind

As I sat down to write this blog I had something different in mind but this one kept coming up.  How I got here, is that I've had a couple of client lately ask for ideas on implementing major changes within their organizations.  As you might imagine a major concern was to not cause a prolonged disruption of the services they provide to clients and they didn't want to frustrate their team as well.  I am a big fan of incremental approaches with small wins all along the way.  The small wins allow for quick encouragement as well as an opportunity for adjustments.

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  4107 Hits

Hangin' out in AH this weekend

What a way to kick off the weekend but with a Movies in the Park, hosted by the Arlington Heights Park District on Friday, August 16th.  They are showing Hotel Transylvania at Recreation Park, 500 East Miner Street.  There is no cost for the movie with concessions and fun activities kicking things off.  Think maybe I could grab a few friends, a blanket and hang out.

I haven't totally forgotten about work.  I think it is perhaps time to look for some new artwork for the office.  I'm thinking maybe I can find something at the Walk in the Park event being held at North School Park, 410 N. Arlington Heights Road.  If you have never been, North School Park is very pretty and conveniently located in downtown Arlington Heights.  Now, I have never been to the Walk in the Park, shame on me, as I have lived here for a number of years. From what I understand there will be music, art and sculptures as this is the highlight event of the Arlington Heights Art Guild Annual Art Fair.  

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  4072 Hits

PM Tool Worth a Look

PM Tool Worth a Look

Really quick, I wanted to tell you about a software tool that is quickly becoming my favorite.  What you may not know is that I am always looking for ways to improve how to stay on top of projects.  With the help of Rivers and Associates, we have been testing out Teamwork Project Manager cloud based project management tool.  No, they are not paying me to toot their horn, heck, they probably don't even know we were evaluating it.

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  3719 Hits

Less is More, Punch Out for Greater Productivity

A few months ago, Megan Totka published on smallbiztrends.com 6 Time Saving Tips to Shave Hours Off Your Week.  In this article along with a great infographic worthy of posting in the office are some tips for saving time and thereby saving money.  True, while working for yourself, you don't get paid when you don't work.  However

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  3440 Hits

15 letter word

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable".

(source: http://www.begent.org/funfact.htm)

  3394 Hits

Laptops and Coffee Shops

Laptops and Coffee Shops

So a couple of weeks ago I read the articles about laptop hobos and coffee shop etiquette.  I'd even writing a lengthy post of my own, that I didn't post.  I'd decided to shelve it, that is until today.  I was meeting with a client at my local Panera.  We'd chosen a non-rushhour time and purchased snacks to nosh on as we caught up.  There were many people hanging out chatting - in person, along with a good number of those meeting or working on their laptops.  I even saw a Panera employee helping a customer get their tablet connected to the free wifi.  The whole scene brought me back to the laptop hobo article.  
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  5518 Hits


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Celebrate Lazy Day

I heard rumors that Saturday, August 10th is National Lazy Day.  Curious me, I searched the internet and landed on the National Whatever Day website and they had an entry for National Lazy Day.  Looks like I am kicking up my feet, how about you?

  4525 Hits

Powering Gadgets in the Wild

I ran across this post titled Solar Tent Charges Your Gadgets.  On the things that jumped out at me is that it weighs 8 lbs. which is heavier than the combined devices I carried all together. Well, that and the $800 price tag.  While I understand some of the comments around the tent enabling the gadgets to invade the peach, I looked at it differently.
As events become more extravagant and not restricting themselves to indoor spaces, something like this may come in handy.  
Would you use something like this? 

  4075 Hits

3 Steps to a time and money saving template

3 Steps to a time and money saving template

Ever feel like you are suffering from deja vu every time you start a new assignment?  A template or two may solve this.  Take a moment to think about your business.  Are there documents/forms/interactions that you repeat often? I bet there are.  
Do you have multiple lines of business?  You can create one for each or better yet look at the synergies between them and maybe one will do.  Think you don't have time?  
Let me ask you this, how much time are you spending reinventing the wheel?  I bet you have better things you could be doing.  Think of it this way, the less time reinventing the wheel the more time engaging new customers.  The added bonus is that as your business grows those working with those working with/for you can use the template that get things going with customers the same way you would, freeing you up for in-depth client discussions, business building activities and most importantly, time away from the business.   
With the new template, faster intake + more time for business building activities = more $
Why create one when so many templates exist?  Great question.  Here's the thing, I don't know about you but the templates are great guides for getting me started but in the end, I make so many modifications to meet my business processes that the original template is not recognizable.  Here's what works for some customers.  
1. Brainstorm
Sit down with a a blank sheet of paper or open blank document in your favorite not taking software.  Don't think of formatting, sequence or anything.  Simply jot down everything that comes to mind when you think about your customers.  Their industry, their goals, which services they've used of yours in the past and currently.  You should start to see a pattern and categories.  
2. Organize   
Now that you have all of this information, go back through and organize it.  The patterns and categories get you started now just move the information around to group by them.
3. Format
Your are almost done.  Take a look at it, is it easy to navigate?  The categories can be section headers and the questions may need to be rearranged for logic sequence.  Lastly, add some branding as you may want to distribute to a customer to fill out and you want them to remember who you are.   
There you go a new template that streamlines a business process thereby saving you time and money.

What repeatable processes do you have in your business that could be streamlined? 

  3771 Hits


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Happy National Watermelon Day!

Did you know that August 3rd is National Watermelon Day? Here are a few recipes to celebrate the day http://lat.ms/1cyG3GK

  3568 Hits

Quick Brown Fox

Every wonder why your old smartphone used the phrase The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog when setting the font.

The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses every letter in the alphabet. (Developed by Western Union to Test telex/two communications)

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  4240 Hits

Old School Face Time

Old School Face Time

Sometimes we have too much technology….When is the last time you met your client in person for some old school face time?  Email is great, online tools that work with your computer's camera are awesome, but sometimes it is just great to sit down for coffee or meal and really communicate with each other.  I know this sounds weird coming from a techie but its true, I do schedule coffee meetings with my clients just to catch up, review major changes, etc.  It is hard sometimes but is so worth it.  I was thinking about it today as I am looking forward to meeting with a couple of clients next week.  There aren't any issues, we are just touching base.  I like talking with them and understanding their business goals, likes and dislikes. Just talking to them, helps me to understand if the solutions I'm creating are helping or not.  It also helps me to know them as people.  I have some really cool clients, if I do say so myself.
It just so happens I saw this article on Inc.com Timeless Business Lessons from Don Draper, and it basically talks about how taking time to meet in person helps to identify the core problem which enables a true solution.  Now, that's just my 10 second overview, you may want to read it yourself, it's a quick read.
Does it convince you to do some old school face time?  

  4294 Hits


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From our reading list...July 8, 2013

From our reading list...July 8, 2013

hbr.org | Harvard Business Review | HBR Blog Network | Michael Watkins | June 27, 2013 | Making Virtual Teams Work: Ten Basic Principles

Why I like it:
A nice companion to the latest Lesson from Dad post basically working smarter.  Great tips as business of all types are comprised more and more of virtual teams.  I like the communication charter, especially which communication mode to use.  We talk a lot about individual communication styles -
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  3886 Hits

Happy Fourth of July

Have a great holiday!

  3406 Hits

Lesson from Dad: I know you worked hard today, but did you make any money

Lesson from Dad: I know you worked hard today, but did you make any money

My dad, as you might have figured out, is my best friend. He and I talk nearly everyday about nearly everything - business that is. Despite being my best friend there are still some things don't want to discuss with dad. 

The other day I called and he followed the normal, tell me something good with "I know you worked hard today but did you make any money." 
That got me thinking about the busy work we sometimes find ourselves engaging in. For me it may be avoidance of a more difficult task to work on something that could be delegated or is simply just more fun.
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  4949 Hits


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From our reading list...June 24th

From our reading list...June 24th

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Young Entrepreneur Council | Jun 21, 2013 | Getting Press: 8 Tips for Going Hyperlocal
Why I like it:
First, it is advise for and from up-and-coming-newly-successful-and-young business owners.  It encourages story telling of the business and connections the owners have to their communities.  With so many news outlets focused on national and world events, local news reporters are looking for stories relevant for their markets.  These tips are especially helpful for non-profits looking to make connections with media outlets to help spread the word of their services, programs and fundraising events.
Which tip inspires you?
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  5085 Hits

Small Business Week Celebrating 50 Years

In case you missed it, this week marks the 50th Anniversary of National Small Business Week   This week of national recognition of the "shop down the street" and the solopreneur was first declared by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 here in the U.S.  

During this week there are workshops, mentoring, matchmaking, and numerous other offerings in cities across the country.  For those not in or near those cities there is live streaming from the Small Business Association (SBA), Google+ Hangouts and other channels. Speaking of the SBA, on their website is a short less than 2 minute video of President Obama honoring the 50 years of the National Small Business Week.  He highlights how critical small businesses are to the American economy.  
For another view of the importance of this week, this time from a lender, check out the post from Brock Blake in the Enterpreneurs section of Forbes Magazine  Here he reminds us that a "small business" can be 1 or 1500 depending on the classification.  
Small business owners if you can spare some time this week to take advantage of all of the freely given help and advice, it would be a great way for you to help keep the economy chugging along - one small business at a time. 

National Small Business Week image: sba.gov/nsbw

  5998 Hits


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From our reading list...June 17th

From our reading list...June 17th

Here's the next installment of our reading list.  In addition to some of our favorite online sources, based on suggestions from readers like you, we've added a couple new ones to the list.


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  10670 Hits

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

  4440 Hits


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Lesson from Dad: Tell Me Something Good

Lesson from Dad: Tell Me Something Good

One of my dad's favorite phrases is "Tell me something good".  It is the second thing he says right after "hello".  Clients feel the same way.  They want to know that the time/effort/money spent on their website/event/print materials was worth it.  They want to know there are no issues and everything is running smoothly.  They want to know that all they need to do is sit back and do nothing - all is taken care of. 

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  4940 Hits


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From our Reading List...June 10th

From our Reading List...June 10th

portent.com | Portent Inc | Company Blog | Ian Laurie | June 6, 2013 | You Are Not Stupid

Why I Like It:
So, you may have heard the saying that goes along the lines of "smart people do stupid things".  I am fairly smart.  I have a few degrees to my name and someone street smart, yet I, feel like I do stupid stuff everyday.  I agree with the author that stupid is the wrong word for what is really going on.  Experimenting?  Some of the time.  Forgetful?  Some of the time.  For me, I think it is more of a case of lack of cross-referencing.  I am good at compartmentalizing and some time too good.  Often the doh! moment is one an idea or thought jumps the wall and I got aha!  I have to think of a new word for my "stupid" moments.
What word do you use?

timberry.bplans.com | Tim Berry Business Plans | Planning Startups Stories | May 30, 2013 | Do You Underestimate Time for Tasks You Like?
Why I Like It:
The other day was talking to a friend and telling her how I feel like I am behind.  She nicely (kinda) asked why, since I am usually really good at time management.  The reason I was behind was because I'd started working on a fun project.  Now, all of my projects are fun but this one involved tasks I don't get to do it every day, only once every few months.  Like I do with all projects I outline my tasks and milestones before setting out to work.  Unfortunately for projects like this, I always underestimate how much time I actually spend.  With deadlines looming, I am forced to take a realistic view and time box my fun - that's no fun at all!  However, I'd rather time box it then not be able to do it because I am behind on my work.  Back to the grind.  

entrepreneur.com | Richard Branson | Run & Grow | May 27, 2013 | Richard Branson on the Secret of Success: Failure
Why I Like It:
Growing up there was a fear of failure - admittedly even into adulthood.  Learning to fail was a very had lesson but necessary to step out and be my own boss.  Not only does he shares the importance of failing - and picking yourself up but a reminder that you should enjoy what you do.  Nothing is fun all of the time but if every day you dread the work, it is time to change.
What are some of your greatest failures?


  7780 Hits

Paper?! Yup - always to start

Paper?! Yup - always to start

The other day I called on a prospective client to open discussions on creating their web presence.  As we sat down to talk about their goals, I noticed the odd look I received when I pulled out paper and a pen. You see, I start with paper - always.  It may be blank or simple lined paper but most of the time it is storyboard paper (think the handout view in PowerPoint or Keynote).  It may sound a bit strange but there is a reason.  Don't get me wrong with all of the computers and other electronic devices I own or have access to, I could never touch a piece of paper, ever. 

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  4642 Hits


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From our reading list...May 28, 2013

From our reading list...May 28, 2013

projecteve.com | Project Eve | Susan Young | May 16, 2013 | 12 insights on the emotional marketing revolution from Seth Godin

Why I like it:

I love reading Seth Godin.  The powerful simplicity of the message in the entertaining package.  I've read a number of Godin books savoring each word.  My favorite still today is The Purple Cow.  I've read many others but I still come back to that one.  I am sorry that I missed the webinar but thankful for the recap.

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  3849 Hits

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

Thank you to the service men and women who give of themselves on behalf of our country and the families who support them. 

Happy Memorial Day.

Image credit: jcjgphotography / 123RF Stock Photo

  4085 Hits

From our reading list...May 20, 2013

From our reading list...May 20, 2013

solstice-mobile.com | Solstice Mobile | Kelly Manthey | Company Blog | May 7, 2013 | Is Mobile Making Us More Productive?

Why I like it:

I saw this and had to read it as I love streamlining-process-improving-getting-more-done-in-less-time.  To Kelly's point there is more opportunity to complete tasks on the go.  I don't recall where I heard it but, the other day I heard about "mobile blinders".  Basically, the assertion was that because of the mobile device, the candy, gum, magazine sales at the checkout counters is far lower since we are checking mail, updating social media or like Kelly, balancing our checkbook while we wait.

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  4676 Hits

Whew! We made it

Whew!  We made it

Over the last few months we have been working on a surprise birthday party for a long time Danico supporter.  There was a fear from all that were involved that she would put the pieces together.  Fortunately for us she did not!  We were able to not only surprise her with local friends and family but also with some out of town guests.  

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  4972 Hits

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day.  

Today is one of the largest gift giving days, with children everywhere expressing their love, admiration and appreciation for the person who was there when they need a lesson - sometimes hard, a helping hand - usually advice or just an someone to listen - a lot.  Many shower their mom's with flowers and bunch, others do something a bit different.  

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  4683 Hits

What's Your "web" Story?

What's Your "web" Story?

Today, there is no shortage of ways to create a website, it's almost like getting fries with your sandwich at your favorite restaurant it just comes on the plate. Everywhere you look there is a free website attached. The problem with that is, what you do with it once you get it. A client said to me once that they built their own site but was stuck on the content.  Looking around the web I've seen where a site is made up of several social media widgets with very little original content.  

It's like the site owner knew they needed a web presence but didn't know what to do with it or underestimated the time it takes to maintain it.  Having a web presence is great but having a good web presence is even better.  

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  7735 Hits

We were great...weren't we?!

We were great...weren't we?!

Whew! All done…well, almost!

The prizes have been awarded, auction items carried off to their new homes and the decorations have been packed away.

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  5149 Hits

Event Sprint

Event Sprint

The venue is booked, the meal selected, the RSPV's are in, and now is the event sprint for the BIG DAY.  For me this is the best part.  Yeah, you would think the event itself would be the best part, but we know that it will be great even if it isn't.  During the event sprint is where all the months of planning start to come to life.  The centerpieces are no longer materials in bags hanging out, now they are beautiful structures ready to grace the tables.  The equipment is prepped, tested and packed for transport to the venue and the team is briefed on the event timeline.  
Now, is also where contingency planning is done, where we look at worst case scenarios and how to mitigate them.  The goal is to keep things humming along smoothly until the last guest has happily left the event.  
With all of that, truly the best part of the event sprint though, is when the client says, "We know you've got us covered". 
Yes, we do. 

  4092 Hits

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day

Image credit: sorayashan / 123RF Stock Photo

  4087 Hits

Three Common Qualities of Our Vendor Partners

Three Common Qualities of Our Vendor Partners

While we plan all type of events, fundraisers are our favorite.  We like doing our part in helping worthy and worthwhile organizations raise funds for their services and programs.  The galas and golf outings we're apart of are often the major fundraising events of the year for our clients.  In planning these events there are many moving parts and to handle them all requires: planning, creativity and a great team.  The team is not just Danico nor the client.  It includes vendor partners.  Our vendor partners help us to help our clients, create a GREAT event.  

So how do we select our vendor partners?  What qualities do we look for?
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  3803 Hits

Happy President's Day

Happy President's Day

Image credit: alexmillos / 123RF Stock Photo

  3227 Hits

Mobile and Your Fundraiser

Mobile and Your Fundraiser


Formal attire - check. Gala fundraiser event ticket - check.  Mobile device - check.  
That's what all of the best dressed guests may have at your next event.  It makes sense given that last year in the US, we topped 1 billion smartphone users.  Gala committees and boards may be thinking it is time to do away with the paper, make it easier to separate guests from their money, I mean raise funds.  
Paper is cheap and easy
Yeah, I know you want to get rid of paper but let's briefly look at the cost of using a paper process just so you have a clear baseline.  
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  5928 Hits

Three items to add to your site visit checklist

Three items to add to your site visit checklist

Event season is nearly upon us. One of the many tasks is a site visit.  Every planner does it and you should too. There are many checklists on the web, in books etc. but none of them will speak exactly to your situation.  Over the years I can say I have never used the exact same checklist twice and I've been working events for a decade. Each time some addition/subtractions are necessary. 

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  6561 Hits

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