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1 minute reading time (173 words)

Single task to get done faster

Single task to get done faster
It may seem counterintuitive but if you have a lot to do, what business owner doesn't, multitasking is not the way to go.  I have been working on this myself.  For years I multitasked and marveled at those would didn't.  Then I tried it and OMG, I was getting more done in less time.  Ok, so of course I had to investigate into why,  I pooled my friends - they are a pretty smart bunch.  I found more were single taskers than I expected.  With this new revelation, I had to try it.  Ya know what?!  I got through  more of my action items, FASTER.  How can that be?  Well, I am not a scientist so I took the web and here's an article I found helpful from Live Science titled, Why Humans are Bad at Multitasking.  It seems to make sense and I vaguely recall hearing somewhere about the time it tasks for the brain to shift.  So armed with this new insight, I am now a reformed multitasker.
Do you multitask?  Thinking about changing?
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