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Hello, can I speak with...

Hello, can I speak with...

Ross McCammon's recent article in Entrepreneur "Pick Up The Damn Phone" highlights a complaint many clients experience - they can't call and talk with anyone. This experience stems not from failed returned calls but due to firms burying or going so far to not even list their phone number on their website. McCammon endorses "...the telephone as the most valuable form of com...

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Adding to the Ranks

Admitting you need help is sometimes the hardest thing to do, not to mention admitting you need help to grow your business.  This article from Entrepreneur.com, The Cold, Hard Facts About Hiring includes the Infographic below that highlights the reasons why you want to hire help.  The biggest reason stated right at the top More Employees = More Growth.  

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From our Reading List...June 10th

From our Reading List...June 10th

portent.com | Portent Inc | Company Blog | Ian Laurie | June 6, 2013 | You Are Not Stupid

Why I Like It:
So, you may have heard the saying that goes along the lines of "smart people do stupid things".  I am fairly smart.  I have a few degrees to my name and someone street smart, yet I, feel like I do stupid stuff everyday.  I agree with the author that stupid is the wrong word for what is really going on.  Experimenting?  Some of the time.  Forgetful?  Some of the time.  For me, I think it is more of a case of lack of cross-referencing.  I am good at compartmentalizing and some time too good.  Often the doh! moment is one an idea or thought jumps the wall and I got aha!  I have to think of a new word for my "stupid" moments.
What word do you use?

timberry.bplans.com | Tim Berry Business Plans | Planning Startups Stories | May 30, 2013 | Do You Underestimate Time for Tasks You Like?
Why I Like It:
The other day was talking to a friend and telling her how I feel like I am behind.  She nicely (kinda) asked why, since I am usually really good at time management.  The reason I was behind was because I'd started working on a fun project.  Now, all of my projects are fun but this one involved tasks I don't get to do it every day, only once every few months.  Like I do with all projects I outline my tasks and milestones before setting out to work.  Unfortunately for projects like this, I always underestimate how much time I actually spend.  With deadlines looming, I am forced to take a realistic view and time box my fun - that's no fun at all!  However, I'd rather time box it then not be able to do it because I am behind on my work.  Back to the grind.  

entrepreneur.com | Richard Branson | Run & Grow | May 27, 2013 | Richard Branson on the Secret of Success: Failure
Why I Like It:
Growing up there was a fear of failure - admittedly even into adulthood.  Learning to fail was a very had lesson but necessary to step out and be my own boss.  Not only does he shares the importance of failing - and picking yourself up but a reminder that you should enjoy what you do.  Nothing is fun all of the time but if every day you dread the work, it is time to change.
What are some of your greatest failures?


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From our Reading List ... January 7, 2013

entrepreneur.com | Entrepreneur Magazine | Stephanie Vozza | Jan 2, 2013 | Forget Your To-Do List: The 3 Lists Every Entrepreneur Needs

Why we like it:

We admit it, we are addicted to productivity tools - especially lists.  Paper or electronic, all-inclusive or segmented, we try them all.  So naturally when we saw the title we had to read it.  What we especially liked is the reminder of the things that bog us down and should not be on the list.

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From our reading list...Sept 10th Edition

From time to time, we are asked about what we read.  Here are some articles we thought you might enjoy:

No Excuses

Entrepreneur.com | Nadia Goodman | August 30, 2012 | 4 Ways to Stop Making Excuses and Follow Your Passion

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