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3 to Done

3 to Done

Ever find your to do list overwhelming?  One method that works for me is to identify the top three tasks that have to get done that day.  This does two things: 1.) I helps with prioritization; and 2.) sets up small wins. It's great to be able to check off tasks, well in this case three items off the ever-growing list of action items.  The bonus is that if the top three are done early, you can knock off early and add in some leisure time.

This is not a new concept but one often forgotten - by me included.  When I jot down my top 3 for the day, I put it on a Post-it ® note so when I am done, not only can I check things off but can toss them out.  What about the other tasks on the list?  Each day repeat the process, Prioritize, Choose 3 and Do 3.  I keep the Master List, that's where all of the new items go and the top 3 come from.  
If you don't want the paper and you can do this with your favorite electronic to do list.  The important part is to Prioritize, Choose 3 and Do 3, each day,
Have you tried this method?  Does it work for you? 


© Image credit: donskarpo / 123RF Stock Photo

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