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5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager

5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager
Do any of these sound like you?
  1. You don’t know what a #hashtag is
  2. You haven’t updated Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/<insert social media channel here> since the day you opened the account
  3. You have a blog but haven't updated in several months
  4. You didn’t know that updates could be scheduled
  5. Your eyes glaze over looking at your social analytics
If any of those statements resonate with you, then it’s time for a social media manager for your organization.
Today, it’s widely accepted that to be in business means to be engaged in social media.  From brand awareness and marketing promotions to community involvement and customer support, social media can be some or all of these things for you.  Having someone who helps define the goals, oversees the content, monitors the social media channels, and helps determine which channel(s) are best for your brand, is no longer a luxury. 
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© Image credit: velkol / 123RF Stock Photo


Shout out to Local Businesses

Shout out to Local Businesses

Ready for some shopping?  You can't escape all of the Black Friday promotions but before you map out your strategy for shopping madness, take a moment to think about the shop around the corner, the local business.  On Saturday, November 30th is Small Business Saturday.  

What is Small Business Saturday?

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Too many hats

Too many hats

Sound familiar?  Maybe it's time to take a long weekend and give the "hats" a rest.  

(image courtesy of: Small Business Trends, Small Business Cartoons)

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Federal Agency Opportunities for Small Businesses

Friday is apart of the weekend, right?!  This Friday, Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is moderating a panel discussion during Small Business Workshop Friday, August 23, 2013 from 11 am to 1 pm. This is apart of the Small Business Development Center resources available at Harper College, Palatine, IL

Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 

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© Image credit: velkol / 123RF Stock Photo


Less is More, Punch Out for Greater Productivity

A few months ago, Megan Totka published on smallbiztrends.com 6 Time Saving Tips to Shave Hours Off Your Week.  In this article along with a great infographic worthy of posting in the office are some tips for saving time and thereby saving money.  True, while working for yourself, you don't get paid when you don't work.  However

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Small Business Week Celebrating 50 Years

In case you missed it, this week marks the 50th Anniversary of National Small Business Week   This week of national recognition of the "shop down the street" and the solopreneur was first declared by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 here in the U.S.  

During this week there are workshops, mentoring, matchmaking, and numerous other offerings in cities across the country.  For those not in or near those cities there is live streaming from the Small Business Association (SBA), Google+ Hangouts and other channels. Speaking of the SBA, on their website is a short less than 2 minute video of President Obama honoring the 50 years of the National Small Business Week.  He highlights how critical small businesses are to the American economy.  
For another view of the importance of this week, this time from a lender, check out the post from Brock Blake in the Enterpreneurs section of Forbes Magazine  Here he reminds us that a "small business" can be 1 or 1500 depending on the classification.  
Small business owners if you can spare some time this week to take advantage of all of the freely given help and advice, it would be a great way for you to help keep the economy chugging along - one small business at a time. 

National Small Business Week image: sba.gov/nsbw

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© Image credit: velkol / 123RF Stock Photo


Celebrating Small Business

National Small Business Week

May 20th began the sixth year of the National Small Business Week (NSBW) hosted by the Small Business Association (SBA).  This event honors and empowers small businesses nationwide.

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