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Joomla Tip of the Day: Reorganizing your image files!

Image files
So you've had a site for a really long time, like super long, and you've assigned your promising young intern to some simple tasks. Shouldn't take too long, maybe one hour max. Well, two hours later your intern comes into your office looking completely exhausted and hating his/her life. He/she comes to you explaining how they couldn't find any of the right pictures easily. The company folder was empty and the logo was found in some random folder named 'a'. Maybe it's time for some spring cleaning.
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3 Tips to Stop Over-engineering Solutions

3 Tips to Stop Over-engineering Solutions
As a technologist, I think that is important to have checks and balances to avoid over-engineering solutions.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of overthinking a solution.  Every technologist does it at least once in their career.  Ok, probably more than once.  The reason this happens, in my opinion, is that we get excited over solving the problem.  We marry that excitement with the tools and techniques that we’ve been amassing in our toolbox. From there we end up with the greatest solution ever made, for the moment, at least in our minds.  We go on believing that until the someone, usually the client, says, “Its too complicated”.  
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© Image credit: b14ckminus / 123RF Stock Photo


What's Your "web" Story?

What's Your "web" Story?

Today, there is no shortage of ways to create a website, it's almost like getting fries with your sandwich at your favorite restaurant it just comes on the plate. Everywhere you look there is a free website attached. The problem with that is, what you do with it once you get it. A client said to me once that they built their own site but was stuck on the content.  Looking around the web I've seen where a site is made up of several social media widgets with very little original content.  

It's like the site owner knew they needed a web presence but didn't know what to do with it or underestimated the time it takes to maintain it.  Having a web presence is great but having a good web presence is even better.  

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Something to react to

Something to react to

Flipping channels, I paused the remote long enough to see an initial interview with a sales guy and a new client on some reality show. The sales rep kept saying something to the effect that there are a lot of options - over and over and over. Followed by repeatedly asking the client if they liked any of the options set before them. I sat there thinking, "You need to give them something to react to".

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