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Group Form Conditionals for RSForm!Pro

multi-conditions image credit: rsjoomla.com

One of our favorite extensions is RSForm!Pro from RSJoomla.  A versatile form builder, we are excited about the newest update, the ability to do a group of conditionals.   What is RSForm!Pro? RSForm!Pro is a form builder for Joomla!  It has undergone a major update in recent updates adding in a drag-and-drop grid, which makes it easier to create and layout w...

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What's a Sprite?


 At the first meeting of JUGCN (Joomla User Group Chicago North), this question came up, "What's a Sprite?"   A Sprite is not a clear, cool refreshing drink.  It is a large image that combines all images into one.   Why would you want to do this?  When your looking at improving performance, this may be an option. How do you use it? To show the...

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Joomla Tip of the Day: Reorganizing your image files!

Image files
So you've had a site for a really long time, like super long, and you've assigned your promising young intern to some simple tasks. Shouldn't take too long, maybe one hour max. Well, two hours later your intern comes into your office looking completely exhausted and hating his/her life. He/she comes to you explaining how they couldn't find any of the right pictures easily. The company folder was empty and the logo was found in some random folder named 'a'. Maybe it's time for some spring cleaning.
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  3703 Hits

Favorite Form Builder Gets an Upgrade

​I build a LOT of forms and one of my favorite extensions to use is RSFormsPro! from RSJoomla. With all of its integration points, layouts, field types, and ability to add custom overrides, I end up using it, well...a lot. They've just released version 1.51.2, which is their best to-date. This release increases the number of responsive layouts - perfect for responsive - si...

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To Video or not to Video

To Video or not to Video

I may be showing my age but do you remember "video killed the radio star" back from the early days of MTV?  Back then they played music videos all day?  Nowadays many websites have videos embedded on their landing page, should yours?  There are several schools of thought on this as more and more content marketing is going "video".

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


App for my Inner Cookie Monster

App for my Inner Cookie Monster

A little known fact about me, I used to be a Girl Scout.  It was only for a few months but it was long enough to appreciate their mission ("Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.”) and develop my love of their Thin Mints, Trefolis and … well their cookies.  In past years, I’ve relied on office co-workers to come around with their order sheets for my yearly fix.  However, with the transition to Danico full-time, I’ve missed out.  Sure, I would come across a stand or two at shops in my neighborhood, but usually after they’ve sold out of my favorites.  Not this year!

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


A look at Dash, docsets for developers

A look at Dash, docsets for developers

Recently, I read (shared on our Facebook page) the article Productivity Tips for Developers over on the RocketTheme blog.   If you’ve been a reader for awhile, I am always looking for ways to improve productivity.  In this article, there were some great tips and reminders for developers, especially if you work remotely.  One that I often forget is BREAKS!  Yes, I know, it seems obvious, to take a few minutes away to allow thoughts to gel and ideas to form but sometimes, I just get so caught up.

The article capped off the great tips, with a few of the members of the RocketTheme  team (if you don’t know RocketTheme, you might want to check out their templates and extensions) listing out a few tools that they find helpful.  One such tool is Dash.  I’d not heard of it before and anything with the word “dash” in it, I have to check it out.

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager

5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager
Do any of these sound like you?
  1. You don’t know what a #hashtag is
  2. You haven’t updated Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/<insert social media channel here> since the day you opened the account
  3. You have a blog but haven't updated in several months
  4. You didn’t know that updates could be scheduled
  5. Your eyes glaze over looking at your social analytics
If any of those statements resonate with you, then it’s time for a social media manager for your organization.
Today, it’s widely accepted that to be in business means to be engaged in social media.  From brand awareness and marketing promotions to community involvement and customer support, social media can be some or all of these things for you.  Having someone who helps define the goals, oversees the content, monitors the social media channels, and helps determine which channel(s) are best for your brand, is no longer a luxury. 
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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


Getting items OFF the list

In time management, project management and the like where tasks and commitments are generated there is a need for a tool or process to keep track of them. Many, myself included, write about creating and managing to do lists. 
So with all this gathering, listing and prioritizing you probably end up with a pretty hefty list.   Now what if you want to enlist help getting these items done?  What if you are constantly mobile?  And what if your team is virtual?  So how do you get that list down?
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Celebrating Ada Lovelace

Celebrating Ada Lovelace

Do you know Ada Lovelace?  Perhaps not.  Tech history enthusiast or those in England, may know who I am referring to.  

Today is the fifth annual Ada Lovelace Day a celebration of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


Social Media Resources for NonProfit

A quick Techie Tuesday post, I thought you might find this article on Social Media resources for non-profits from Decoda Literacy Solutions.  If you visit often you know that I/we are big on supporting nonprofit organizations, especially those in our backyard.  They look like they might have a couple of good reads listed.

Article: Tech Tuesday: Social Media for Non-Profits by Decoda Literacy Solutions

  3500 Hits

My InDesign Settings are Following Me

Ok, so CC or Creative Cloud has come out for Adobe products.  On a daily basis I use InDesign, Photoshop and Dreamweaver.  The other products not often.  Lately, I have been catching up on the new features and functions in the CC versions of those tools and one that I am really interested (of the many) is the Sync Settings function.  This works very well for mobile offices like mine where I have my primary development machine and the "lite" one that I can carry around.   To use this feature you much have a valid Adobe ID 

If you want to try it out yourself, check out this article from the Caveat Letter Adobe Blog Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the article and take note of what is not included in the sync. 

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Techie Terms Defined

Techie Terms Defined

So, I have to admit this post is a little out of the norm.  I saw something a little geeky that I just have share.  I ran across an article about the new words being added to Oxford Dictionary Online for the month of August and I was a little surprised.  From what I understand typically only a few words are added each month but this time more than 60 were added and they were very techie.  

Words like bitcoin, selfie and phablet were defined in Oxford Dictionary Online.  I embarrassingly admit how happy I am to see a bunch a new terms added both so that I can send beloved friends and family to a dictionary the next time they ask me to define a tech term but also new words for my word games - competitors look out!

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


64 GB SanDisk on the Go

64 GB SanDisk on the Go

The other day I was talking with a friend, well we were arguing about an event and what really happened.  To settle it, my friend pulled out their smartphone and scrolled through their images to find the one that would prove one way or another, who was right.  As we waited for the search end, my friend commented that they had to "clean up" to free up space.  

This caused a turn in the conversation to data storage, physical vs. cloud and so on.  For computers we can plug in a USB drive, push to a cloud account and the like.  What about our mobile devices and tablets?  Depending on your mobile device there may be a built-in method of storing "off-device" but what about sharing with others - assuming you are not using Facebook or something?  What about when stuck on the road?

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© Image credit: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo


PM Tool Worth a Look

PM Tool Worth a Look

Really quick, I wanted to tell you about a software tool that is quickly becoming my favorite.  What you may not know is that I am always looking for ways to improve how to stay on top of projects.  With the help of Rivers and Associates, we have been testing out Teamwork Project Manager cloud based project management tool.  No, they are not paying me to toot their horn, heck, they probably don't even know we were evaluating it.

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Powering Gadgets in the Wild

I ran across this post titled Solar Tent Charges Your Gadgets.  On the things that jumped out at me is that it weighs 8 lbs. which is heavier than the combined devices I carried all together. Well, that and the $800 price tag.  While I understand some of the comments around the tent enabling the gadgets to invade the peach, I looked at it differently.
As events become more extravagant and not restricting themselves to indoor spaces, something like this may come in handy.  
Would you use something like this? 

  4075 Hits

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