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So long 2013...

So long 2013...

Holiday lights, snow tipped trees and gleeful squeals, all the signs of the end of another year.  If you're like me you look around and wonder, where did the year go?!
2013 has been a wonderful year and the beginning of 2014 is shaping up to be just as nice.  The year started slow but boy did it speed up!  As you know, I focus on start-up, small and non-profit businesses and organizations.  It is so exciting for me to see how excited they are as the solutions we've worked so hard, and sometimes fought about, come to life.  While this year I've met many wonderful new people, I haven't forgotten about my "old" clients, they are just as fun as they include me in their new adventures.  I call them "old" not because of their age, as they are all young in heart and spirit, but merely as an indication of the number of years that I've had the opportunity to work with them.  I'm looking forward to 2014 so much so that I keep checking the calendar to see if it's here yet.
My clients cover a range of services, If you need something, "I've got a guy", as the saying goes.  With such a diverse client base, I've learned so much about so many things, my brain hurts sometimes :-)  Yet, I want more.  As I look at the magic eight ball, magic mirror, crystal ball or just stare up into the sky, hoping for signs of what's in store for the coming year, I take a moment to reflect on how I got to where I am and those who came along for the ride.  
THANK YOU to everyone who has and continues to support me and Danico, since our inception in 2007.  Back then Danico was just a passing thought.  I appreciate you sticking around.  All you newcomers, just hold on, it's going to be a great ride.  Oh and to those reading this blog who I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting - thanks for reading.  Don't be shy, drop a line and let me know how you think it's going.
With that I'm outta here, except for...
       May the new year bring you health, happiness and a heck of a lot of success!


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© Image credit: mazirama / 123RF Stock Photo


Whew! We made it

Whew!  We made it

Over the last few months we have been working on a surprise birthday party for a long time Danico supporter.  There was a fear from all that were involved that she would put the pieces together.  Fortunately for us she did not!  We were able to not only surprise her with local friends and family but also with some out of town guests.  

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Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

OMG, Dec 31st is almost here!  I can't thank you enough for hanging out with us!   As we wrap up this year's deliverables and squeeze in client meetings before the holidays, we look forward to spending some time with friends and family.  This year was a good year and 2013 is shaping up to be even better.  We've said it before, and we can't say it enough, THANK YOU to our clients, past, present and future (*wink*).  THANK YOU to our great advisors (we know how shy you are so I won't name names). THANK YOU to our friends and family who put up with us, we could not have done it without your love and support.

Before we get too sappy here, reminding you, if you have not already done so, follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the latest on us and our clients. 
Oh and before I forget...keep the feedback coming! 
Take care, Happy Holidays and see you in 2013!

  4626 Hits

5 Things to do before 2013

5 Things to do before 2013

In a few short days, 2012 will come to a close.  Amid the holiday cheer and madness, maybe do a little reflecting.  While it is not always fun it is crucial for success.  Throughout the year, review of individual objectives is done but at the end of the year is when a long hard and honest look at things is needed.  This reflection sets the tone for the new and successful new year.

With that, here are 5 things to do before the New Year.

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