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Weekend with Herjavec

Weekend with Herjavec

What does it say about me that I’m anxious for the weekend to start so that I can … read a book?  I know, the weather has been sunny and pleasant, and instead of thinking of outdoor activities, I’m thinking of homework.  I could make the excuse that rain is predicted both days anyway, or even say I will be reading it on a deck or beach somewhere.  But that would not be true.   

Does telling you that the book is The Will to Win: Leading, Competing, Succeeding by Robert Herjavec from ABC’s Shark Tank second book make it any better?  For some, maybe.  I’m looking forward to reading this book, because I’m curious about this race car driving shark.  I received this book after attending a webinar hosted by PNC where Mr. Herjavec spoke about driving business.  His talk was entertaining and informational.  I came away from the 40 minute session with added inspiration.  I nearly missed the announcement about the contest to receive his book and assumed, wrongfully, that I’d responded too late.  

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© Image Credit: robertherjavec.com


Rethinking To Do List

Rethinking To Do List

I used to think that I was good at time management.  Lately, I've started to rethink that, not because I'm not getting things done but it just seems to take so much longer.  Now, that could be because I'm getting older, I'm not sure.  To settle this conundrum I've been researching ideas and techniques to improve my throughput.  Some of things I've worked on are included in the Inc.com article, 8 Things Really Efficient People Do by Kevin Daum.  

On the surface all seem reasonable to accomplish.  I think that for many, and myself in the beginning, delegation is/was a bit challenging.  Delegating was hard, until I found the right person.  I think that is that key, having the right people in the right roles.  This makes delegating easier when you have confidence  to empower your team.  Finding the right person may take some time but once you have them, you wonder what took you so long.  
One technique that I don't do often enough is to time my activities every so often.  As factors change, it is good to have new benchmarks. Obvious right?  The task that took you 2 hours the first time you did it, takes less than that the 100th time you do it yet you probably are still measuring from the very first time.
Are there other techniques that you find helpful? 

Other productivity articles:

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© Image Credit: robertherjavec.com


Old School Face Time

Old School Face Time

Sometimes we have too much technology….When is the last time you met your client in person for some old school face time?  Email is great, online tools that work with your computer's camera are awesome, but sometimes it is just great to sit down for coffee or meal and really communicate with each other.  I know this sounds weird coming from a techie but its true, I do schedule coffee meetings with my clients just to catch up, review major changes, etc.  It is hard sometimes but is so worth it.  I was thinking about it today as I am looking forward to meeting with a couple of clients next week.  There aren't any issues, we are just touching base.  I like talking with them and understanding their business goals, likes and dislikes. Just talking to them, helps me to understand if the solutions I'm creating are helping or not.  It also helps me to know them as people.  I have some really cool clients, if I do say so myself.
It just so happens I saw this article on Inc.com Timeless Business Lessons from Don Draper, and it basically talks about how taking time to meet in person helps to identify the core problem which enables a true solution.  Now, that's just my 10 second overview, you may want to read it yourself, it's a quick read.
Does it convince you to do some old school face time?  

  4293 Hits


© Image Credit: robertherjavec.com


From our reading list...June 24th

From our reading list...June 24th

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Young Entrepreneur Council | Jun 21, 2013 | Getting Press: 8 Tips for Going Hyperlocal
Why I like it:
First, it is advise for and from up-and-coming-newly-successful-and-young business owners.  It encourages story telling of the business and connections the owners have to their communities.  With so many news outlets focused on national and world events, local news reporters are looking for stories relevant for their markets.  These tips are especially helpful for non-profits looking to make connections with media outlets to help spread the word of their services, programs and fundraising events.
Which tip inspires you?
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From our reading list...June 17th

From our reading list...June 17th

Here's the next installment of our reading list.  In addition to some of our favorite online sources, based on suggestions from readers like you, we've added a couple new ones to the list.


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From our Reading List...June 10th

From our Reading List...June 10th

portent.com | Portent Inc | Company Blog | Ian Laurie | June 6, 2013 | You Are Not Stupid

Why I Like It:
So, you may have heard the saying that goes along the lines of "smart people do stupid things".  I am fairly smart.  I have a few degrees to my name and someone street smart, yet I, feel like I do stupid stuff everyday.  I agree with the author that stupid is the wrong word for what is really going on.  Experimenting?  Some of the time.  Forgetful?  Some of the time.  For me, I think it is more of a case of lack of cross-referencing.  I am good at compartmentalizing and some time too good.  Often the doh! moment is one an idea or thought jumps the wall and I got aha!  I have to think of a new word for my "stupid" moments.
What word do you use?

timberry.bplans.com | Tim Berry Business Plans | Planning Startups Stories | May 30, 2013 | Do You Underestimate Time for Tasks You Like?
Why I Like It:
The other day was talking to a friend and telling her how I feel like I am behind.  She nicely (kinda) asked why, since I am usually really good at time management.  The reason I was behind was because I'd started working on a fun project.  Now, all of my projects are fun but this one involved tasks I don't get to do it every day, only once every few months.  Like I do with all projects I outline my tasks and milestones before setting out to work.  Unfortunately for projects like this, I always underestimate how much time I actually spend.  With deadlines looming, I am forced to take a realistic view and time box my fun - that's no fun at all!  However, I'd rather time box it then not be able to do it because I am behind on my work.  Back to the grind.  

entrepreneur.com | Richard Branson | Run & Grow | May 27, 2013 | Richard Branson on the Secret of Success: Failure
Why I Like It:
Growing up there was a fear of failure - admittedly even into adulthood.  Learning to fail was a very had lesson but necessary to step out and be my own boss.  Not only does he shares the importance of failing - and picking yourself up but a reminder that you should enjoy what you do.  Nothing is fun all of the time but if every day you dread the work, it is time to change.
What are some of your greatest failures?


  7780 Hits

From our reading list...May 28, 2013

From our reading list...May 28, 2013

projecteve.com | Project Eve | Susan Young | May 16, 2013 | 12 insights on the emotional marketing revolution from Seth Godin

Why I like it:

I love reading Seth Godin.  The powerful simplicity of the message in the entertaining package.  I've read a number of Godin books savoring each word.  My favorite still today is The Purple Cow.  I've read many others but I still come back to that one.  I am sorry that I missed the webinar but thankful for the recap.

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From our reading list...May 20, 2013

From our reading list...May 20, 2013

solstice-mobile.com | Solstice Mobile | Kelly Manthey | Company Blog | May 7, 2013 | Is Mobile Making Us More Productive?

Why I like it:

I saw this and had to read it as I love streamlining-process-improving-getting-more-done-in-less-time.  To Kelly's point there is more opportunity to complete tasks on the go.  I don't recall where I heard it but, the other day I heard about "mobile blinders".  Basically, the assertion was that because of the mobile device, the candy, gum, magazine sales at the checkout counters is far lower since we are checking mail, updating social media or like Kelly, balancing our checkbook while we wait.

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From our Reading List ... January 7, 2013

entrepreneur.com | Entrepreneur Magazine | Stephanie Vozza | Jan 2, 2013 | Forget Your To-Do List: The 3 Lists Every Entrepreneur Needs

Why we like it:

We admit it, we are addicted to productivity tools - especially lists.  Paper or electronic, all-inclusive or segmented, we try them all.  So naturally when we saw the title we had to read it.  What we especially liked is the reminder of the things that bog us down and should not be on the list.

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From our Reading List ... December 24, 2012

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Kevin Daum | November 14, 2012 | 5 Things Really Smart People Do
Why we like it:
Great tips for being a better listener, and…leader.  When you question, explore and engage, you are less likely to blindly follow.
Good reminder to life learners of their love of learning, not the love of being right.

forbes.com | Forbes Magazine | Josh Linkner | December 17, 2012 | 5 Easy Things You Can Do Today That Will Noticeably Improve Your Life
Why we like it:
The "things" are truly easy.  Not only are they easy but they are actionable as well.

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Jeff Haden | December 26, 2012 | 6 Habits of Remarkably Likeable People
Why we like it:
First of all, who would not like an article that begins with a picture of two remarkably engaging individuals - Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela.  Admittedly upon reading the title thought of Sally Fields' opening line in the famous award thanking speech where she exclaims, "You Like me, you really like me" or something to that affect.  Great tips for those who are a bit shy, especially in social situations

  4461 Hits

From our Reading List ... December 3, 2012

uxmag.com | UX Magazine | Tania Lang | December 3, 2012 | Content Sharing and Social Networking Buttons : How do users distribute what they like? 

Why we like it:
We receive questions all the time from clients about levering social media and typically we circle around on the "how".  We focus on user experience with an eye on SEO.  This article follows that approach as well.

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From our reading list...Sept 10th Edition

From time to time, we are asked about what we read.  Here are some articles we thought you might enjoy:

No Excuses

Entrepreneur.com | Nadia Goodman | August 30, 2012 | 4 Ways to Stop Making Excuses and Follow Your Passion

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