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Heat Wave

We're having a heat wave...kinda.  

It's above zero degrees both temperature and wind chill.  A quick breather before the snow starts. 

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Three Common Qualities of Our Vendor Partners

Three Common Qualities of Our Vendor Partners

While we plan all type of events, fundraisers are our favorite.  We like doing our part in helping worthy and worthwhile organizations raise funds for their services and programs.  The galas and golf outings we're apart of are often the major fundraising events of the year for our clients.  In planning these events there are many moving parts and to handle them all requires: planning, creativity and a great team.  The team is not just Danico nor the client.  It includes vendor partners.  Our vendor partners help us to help our clients, create a GREAT event.  

So how do we select our vendor partners?  What qualities do we look for?
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  3803 Hits

Getting out of your own way

You're starting to feel defeated and unsure. You've questioned, researched and developed possible solutions, but have not moved forward with implementing any of them. You're mind is filled with even more questions. The questions could cover strategic direction, client impact or other. For example: Is it a good opportunity? Is it the right opportunity? Is it in the right industry? Does it fit my niche market? Does it solve the right problem? Is it the right solution? and lastly.. Are the right people involved? And so on…

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Passion - something every entrepreneur knows (or should)

Nothing quite like a quote from Oprah...

  2915 Hits


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Sales Tax Law Still Pending

About a month ago I started reading about the Internet Sales tax sometimes referred to as the Amazon Internet Sales Tax. One of the proposed benefits of this proposed tax is to help with the state budget shortages. Senator Durbin's bill known as the Main Street Fairness Act, covers New York, Illinois and Connecticut. New York is looking to add the nearly 4% and Illinois 6.25% sales tax to all online purchases.

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From our reading list...July 8, 2013

From our reading list...July 8, 2013

hbr.org | Harvard Business Review | HBR Blog Network | Michael Watkins | June 27, 2013 | Making Virtual Teams Work: Ten Basic Principles

Why I like it:
A nice companion to the latest Lesson from Dad post basically working smarter.  Great tips as business of all types are comprised more and more of virtual teams.  I like the communication charter, especially which communication mode to use.  We talk a lot about individual communication styles -
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  3886 Hits

From our reading list...June 24th

From our reading list...June 24th

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Young Entrepreneur Council | Jun 21, 2013 | Getting Press: 8 Tips for Going Hyperlocal
Why I like it:
First, it is advise for and from up-and-coming-newly-successful-and-young business owners.  It encourages story telling of the business and connections the owners have to their communities.  With so many news outlets focused on national and world events, local news reporters are looking for stories relevant for their markets.  These tips are especially helpful for non-profits looking to make connections with media outlets to help spread the word of their services, programs and fundraising events.
Which tip inspires you?
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  5085 Hits

From our reading list...June 17th

From our reading list...June 17th

Here's the next installment of our reading list.  In addition to some of our favorite online sources, based on suggestions from readers like you, we've added a couple new ones to the list.


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  10670 Hits

From our Reading List...June 10th

From our Reading List...June 10th

portent.com | Portent Inc | Company Blog | Ian Laurie | June 6, 2013 | You Are Not Stupid

Why I Like It:
So, you may have heard the saying that goes along the lines of "smart people do stupid things".  I am fairly smart.  I have a few degrees to my name and someone street smart, yet I, feel like I do stupid stuff everyday.  I agree with the author that stupid is the wrong word for what is really going on.  Experimenting?  Some of the time.  Forgetful?  Some of the time.  For me, I think it is more of a case of lack of cross-referencing.  I am good at compartmentalizing and some time too good.  Often the doh! moment is one an idea or thought jumps the wall and I got aha!  I have to think of a new word for my "stupid" moments.
What word do you use?

timberry.bplans.com | Tim Berry Business Plans | Planning Startups Stories | May 30, 2013 | Do You Underestimate Time for Tasks You Like?
Why I Like It:
The other day was talking to a friend and telling her how I feel like I am behind.  She nicely (kinda) asked why, since I am usually really good at time management.  The reason I was behind was because I'd started working on a fun project.  Now, all of my projects are fun but this one involved tasks I don't get to do it every day, only once every few months.  Like I do with all projects I outline my tasks and milestones before setting out to work.  Unfortunately for projects like this, I always underestimate how much time I actually spend.  With deadlines looming, I am forced to take a realistic view and time box my fun - that's no fun at all!  However, I'd rather time box it then not be able to do it because I am behind on my work.  Back to the grind.  

entrepreneur.com | Richard Branson | Run & Grow | May 27, 2013 | Richard Branson on the Secret of Success: Failure
Why I Like It:
Growing up there was a fear of failure - admittedly even into adulthood.  Learning to fail was a very had lesson but necessary to step out and be my own boss.  Not only does he shares the importance of failing - and picking yourself up but a reminder that you should enjoy what you do.  Nothing is fun all of the time but if every day you dread the work, it is time to change.
What are some of your greatest failures?


  7780 Hits

From our reading list...May 28, 2013

From our reading list...May 28, 2013

projecteve.com | Project Eve | Susan Young | May 16, 2013 | 12 insights on the emotional marketing revolution from Seth Godin

Why I like it:

I love reading Seth Godin.  The powerful simplicity of the message in the entertaining package.  I've read a number of Godin books savoring each word.  My favorite still today is The Purple Cow.  I've read many others but I still come back to that one.  I am sorry that I missed the webinar but thankful for the recap.

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  3849 Hits

From our reading list...May 20, 2013

From our reading list...May 20, 2013

solstice-mobile.com | Solstice Mobile | Kelly Manthey | Company Blog | May 7, 2013 | Is Mobile Making Us More Productive?

Why I like it:

I saw this and had to read it as I love streamlining-process-improving-getting-more-done-in-less-time.  To Kelly's point there is more opportunity to complete tasks on the go.  I don't recall where I heard it but, the other day I heard about "mobile blinders".  Basically, the assertion was that because of the mobile device, the candy, gum, magazine sales at the checkout counters is far lower since we are checking mail, updating social media or like Kelly, balancing our checkbook while we wait.

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Celebrating Small Business

National Small Business Week

May 20th began the sixth year of the National Small Business Week (NSBW) hosted by the Small Business Association (SBA).  This event honors and empowers small businesses nationwide.

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  3930 Hits

From our Reading List ... January 7, 2013

entrepreneur.com | Entrepreneur Magazine | Stephanie Vozza | Jan 2, 2013 | Forget Your To-Do List: The 3 Lists Every Entrepreneur Needs

Why we like it:

We admit it, we are addicted to productivity tools - especially lists.  Paper or electronic, all-inclusive or segmented, we try them all.  So naturally when we saw the title we had to read it.  What we especially liked is the reminder of the things that bog us down and should not be on the list.

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  4576 Hits

Something to react to

Something to react to

Flipping channels, I paused the remote long enough to see an initial interview with a sales guy and a new client on some reality show. The sales rep kept saying something to the effect that there are a lot of options - over and over and over. Followed by repeatedly asking the client if they liked any of the options set before them. I sat there thinking, "You need to give them something to react to".

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  5129 Hits

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Here's to a great 2013!

  3750 Hits

From our Reading List ... December 24, 2012

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Kevin Daum | November 14, 2012 | 5 Things Really Smart People Do
Why we like it:
Great tips for being a better listener, and…leader.  When you question, explore and engage, you are less likely to blindly follow.
Good reminder to life learners of their love of learning, not the love of being right.

forbes.com | Forbes Magazine | Josh Linkner | December 17, 2012 | 5 Easy Things You Can Do Today That Will Noticeably Improve Your Life
Why we like it:
The "things" are truly easy.  Not only are they easy but they are actionable as well.

inc.com | Inc Magazine | Jeff Haden | December 26, 2012 | 6 Habits of Remarkably Likeable People
Why we like it:
First of all, who would not like an article that begins with a picture of two remarkably engaging individuals - Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela.  Admittedly upon reading the title thought of Sally Fields' opening line in the famous award thanking speech where she exclaims, "You Like me, you really like me" or something to that affect.  Great tips for those who are a bit shy, especially in social situations

  4461 Hits

From our Reading List ... December 3, 2012

uxmag.com | UX Magazine | Tania Lang | December 3, 2012 | Content Sharing and Social Networking Buttons : How do users distribute what they like? 

Why we like it:
We receive questions all the time from clients about levering social media and typically we circle around on the "how".  We focus on user experience with an eye on SEO.  This article follows that approach as well.

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  3929 Hits

Three Lessons I Learned from the Apple/Samsung Trial

Last week the media outlets were buzzing with news about the trial between Apple and Samsung.

While I am a consumer of Apple products (iPhone, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iPod), I also have PC products (Acer netbooks, Dell computers).  Until this year, I was also a Nokia and Blackberry consumer.  So, I think I have a pretty balanced view.

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  5715 Hits

Customer Service is alive and well at OXO

I am always amazed when a company's customer service staff is ... helpful.  Sorry to say, but the occurrence is so few and far between, I no longer have the expectation that asking for help will result, in well, help.  Today, my faith was restored. Here's what happened.

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  3837 Hits

UPDATED: Fighting the Good Fight on 1099 Legislation

As a small business owner, spending time on paperwork is not where you'd want to send your energy.  I told you about the legislative changes being discussed that would mean just that - more paperwork.  Let me back up a sec.  As we know when using 1099 workers anytime the amount paid is more than $600 a 1099 is to be issued.  The new legislation added issuing a 1099 when

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  2956 Hits

Strategic Planning Tools

It is the fourth quarter and for many it is time to for strategic planning for the coming fiscal year.  Like your business plan, your strategic plan should not be written and placed on the shelf.  For that reason, the strategic plan should

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  3289 Hits

The Holidays and Your Business

So it's that time of the year where PC meets not-so-PC and everyone is stressed.  This time is otherwise know as the holidays. Winter SolsticeHanukkah,ChristmasKwanzaaFestivus...whichever is your pleasure, now is the time.  The time, for parties, gifts, obligations, lack of sleep, and ....

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  3048 Hits

Encouraged to Expand Staff


Just a quick note on the Small Business Jobs Act.  Looking to add staff to meet the growing needs of your company, this Act is designed with you in mind. At least that is how it is being presented.  This act

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  3091 Hits

Dad's Need Balance Too

Often I hear about work-life balance in terms of parents, most often MOMS. As Father's Day has just passed there are a number of posts about work-life balance in terms on DADS.  It is not hard to see why, the "traditional" roles are not the norm.  Internet search on "work-life balance dads" and you will see what I mean.  Here are a couple that I enjoyed reading, what are yours?

Harvard Business Review, How to Prevent Daddy Wars in the Workplace by Sylvia Ann Hewitt

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  2781 Hits

Sweat Equity is Part of the Marketing Equation

Social Media should be considered as part of the marketing strategy.  I hear this often.  While social media outlets may be free to use, they are not free.  There is sweat equity needed to keep them current, to keep them relevant.  Yeah, I know, we are one to talk.  Well we are.  We know that time has to be put into keeping content relevant for our readership, client, etc. yet we fell down on the job ourselves.

Reading this post from Tim Berry, in Planning Startups Stories titled: Social Media is Littered with Business Carcasses we received a much needed kick-in-the-pants.  Thanks for hanging in there with us.

  4023 Hits

Creating a Brand

The other day when I took delivery of the special gift I created for some dear friends, I was struck by the little symbol that sat unassuming on the bottom backside of the simple packaging. It was a universally recognized reminder of the vendor responsible for creating my most recent masterpiece.

That was the inspiration behind today's article - branding. Everyone knows it when they see it and all businesses long to create one - Danico included.

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  4213 Hits

To Do List

How to get things done?

That is a question heard and stated often.  There are people and companies who make a living advising others on just that.  Even in my business, I am often asked for suggestions.  One thing that is obvious is that there is no one-size-fits-all.  That can be frustrating for those who have yet to find what works from them.

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  3165 Hits

Small Business, 1099s and 2012

Sometimes it seems that the little guy, in this case small business gets the raw end of the deal with each new policy change.  This time it is hard to argue that we are not.  CNNMoney reported on the latest policy change regarding the issuance of 1099s.  The policy today is any worker that is paid $600 or more is issued a 1099.  A worker is in person typically not apart of company (think independent consultant) that is not an employee for which withholding tax is held.  The new rule slated to go in 2012, requires

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  3235 Hits

Plastic Bottles as Promotional Items

It's that time of the year where marketing campaigns are reviewed, revised and revamped.  With the emphasis on healthy living, some companies consider water bottles as promotional items.  Check out this article by contributing writing Kat, Plastic Water Bottles... Are they worth the risk?

  2933 Hits

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