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2 minutes reading time (366 words)

Weekend with Herjavec

Weekend with Herjavec

What does it say about me that I’m anxious for the weekend to start so that I can … read a book?  I know, the weather has been sunny and pleasant, and instead of thinking of outdoor activities, I’m thinking of homework.  I could make the excuse that rain is predicted both days anyway, or even say I will be reading it on a deck or beach somewhere.  But that would not be true.   

Does telling you that the book is The Will to Win: Leading, Competing, Succeeding by Robert Herjavec from ABC’s Shark Tank second book make it any better?  For some, maybe.  I’m looking forward to reading this book, because I’m curious about this race car driving shark.  I received this book after attending a webinar hosted by PNC where Mr. Herjavec spoke about driving business.  His talk was entertaining and informational.  I came away from the 40 minute session with added inspiration.  I nearly missed the announcement about the contest to receive his book and assumed, wrongfully, that I’d responded too late.  

A few days ago when I opened my mailbox to find the 277-page softcover book, I realized my luck, and right then I knew my weekend plans were set.  Thanks PNC and Mr. Herjavec.  Having already cracked it open to read the first two chapters (told you I was anxious), I think I’m going to hit Monday morning feeling entertained, inspired and ready to get to work. If you've seen Shark Tank, or even Dragon's Den, you know that Mr. Herjavec is smart and funny, the book (so far) has that same tone.  

So what does my looking forward to read a business book say about me?  For those who know me, it's probably not a surprise since I read many things all the time especially when it comes to business, technology and non-profits.  For those getting to know me, maybe it will encourage you to connect with me and share things that inspire you.  To that point, I'm curious if you've read this or his previous book Driven, what did you think of it?  Are there other books that you just can’t help telling others about?  I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a great weekend! 


© Image Credit: robertherjavec.com

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