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2 minutes reading time (380 words)

Rethinking To Do List

Rethinking To Do List

I used to think that I was good at time management.  Lately, I've started to rethink that, not because I'm not getting things done but it just seems to take so much longer.  Now, that could be because I'm getting older, I'm not sure.  To settle this conundrum I've been researching ideas and techniques to improve my throughput.  Some of things I've worked on are included in the Inc.com article, 8 Things Really Efficient People Do by Kevin Daum.  

On the surface all seem reasonable to accomplish.  I think that for many, and myself in the beginning, delegation is/was a bit challenging.  Delegating was hard, until I found the right person.  I think that is that key, having the right people in the right roles.  This makes delegating easier when you have confidence  to empower your team.  Finding the right person may take some time but once you have them, you wonder what took you so long.  
One technique that I don't do often enough is to time my activities every so often.  As factors change, it is good to have new benchmarks. Obvious right?  The task that took you 2 hours the first time you did it, takes less than that the 100th time you do it yet you probably are still measuring from the very first time.
Are there other techniques that you find helpful? 

Other productivity articles:
Why I Like It:
This really puts things in perspective.  It is true that entrepreneurs are natural problem solvers.  They cannot help themselves, it never really shuts down it just may take a break from time to time.  I know my dad would agree with the takeaways listed.  His favorite saying is, "Never let them see you sweat”. 
Why I Like It:
As someone who lives by lists, one method of categorization I’d not tried is the “Energy-based Context”.  It was good timing as I’ve been fighting a cold but needing to get work done.  Taking the suggestion of identifying low energy tasks, I was able to keep things moving. 


© Image credit: zoranzeremski / 123RF Stock Photo

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