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5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager

5 Signs It’s Time for a Social Media Manager
Do any of these sound like you?
  1. You don’t know what a #hashtag is
  2. You haven’t updated Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/<insert social media channel here> since the day you opened the account
  3. You have a blog but haven't updated in several months
  4. You didn’t know that updates could be scheduled
  5. Your eyes glaze over looking at your social analytics
If any of those statements resonate with you, then it’s time for a social media manager for your organization.
Today, it’s widely accepted that to be in business means to be engaged in social media.  From brand awareness and marketing promotions to community involvement and customer support, social media can be some or all of these things for you.  Having someone who helps define the goals, oversees the content, monitors the social media channels, and helps determine which channel(s) are best for your brand, is no longer a luxury. 
In the beginning, you may have carried the title, unofficially, but now it may be time to bring in someone to focus on your social media presence.  With new social media channels starting up and evolving existing channels, it is a lot to keep up with.  Adding someone to your team that stays on top of the changes in the social media landscape, frees you up to focus on growing and nurturing your business.
Your SMM or Social Media Manager, will work with your marketing manager (or you if that’s one of your many hats) to identify areas where social media can complement your marketing efforts.  Depending on the size of your organization, you may find yourself modifying an existing team member’s responsibilities to take on the SMM role.  Be sure they have the skills and talent for it, just because someone is on Facebook liking other people’s memes doesn’t necessarily mean they should be your social media manager.  You will also need to move/adjust some of their prior responsibilities to enable them to succeed.  Maintaining an engaging social media presence is work and takes time.
With the right SMM, you can gain consist branding and messaging.  They can also, help to encourage and nurture content creators within your organization, make it apart of the organization versus an afterthought.  Social media for business is not the same as social media for personal use, while a dancing cat animation may be fun every once in awhile, a defined social media strategy is better.  
A SMM that knows and understands this, is well worth the investment.
Did you recently add a Social Media Manager to your team?  Tell us what was your sign that it was time. 


© Image credit: velkol / 123RF Stock Photo

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