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The Joomla Force is strong in Central Europe


The German-speaking Joomla community has always been well-connected - now the connection has been strengthened.

On September 23 and 24, the joint JoomlaDay DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) took place in Bad Hersfeld (Germany) and the feedback was extremely positive.

Nearly 120 participants took the opportunity to (finally) attend live talks and presentations again. They were able to exchange ideas in person, have face-to-face conversations and enjoy the fun of a lively get-together.

But back to the beginning - after JoomlaDay Austria 2020 had to be cancelled only 3 days before the start due to the first Covid lockdown, it was necessary to establish new ways for the Joomla community to stay in touch. Relatively quickly, as a result, JoomlaDay Germany was launched in the fall of 2020 via YouTube live stream.

Learning from online experience

The positive experiences that came with using increasingly better online conference tools motivated the organisers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to try a larger online JoomlaDay. So they met in September 2021 for the first joint JoomlaDay DACH, which took place in the workadventure.io online environment. As practical as this tool was as a substitute in pandemic times, it was noticeable that the "real" contact was missed by many of the participants.

We, therefore, agreed shortly after that there must be an in-person JoomlaDay DACH in 2022!

Quickly teams were formed, tasks were distributed, sponsors were sought and the planning took its course. Bad Hersfeld, a central location in Germany, offers the necessary infrastructure and is easily accessible by various means of transport. The mediaeval spa town proved to be a good choice and its half-timbered houses were very impressive.

34 speakers from 6 countries prepared their presentations, which were very well received in the 4 rooms. The sponsors presented their benefits and the joy of the participants about the first large German-speaking Joomla event after the pandemic was clear for all to see.

As a co-organizer, it is difficult for me to pick out individual talks, but in the numerous conversations it was noticeable that due to the wide range of topics there was something for everyone - whether user, developer, designer or newcomer.

The J!Otto Awards

On the first evening, the J!Otto Awards were again presented, an award for innovative, creatively designed and technically well-implemented Joomla websites. Over 50 projects were submitted and the jury was spoiled for choice. In the end, 3 websites were awarded.

The winners could look forward to a nice certificate and a trophy. After the end of the two-day event, there was also talk of further planning.

So next year the DACH community will meet in September 2023 in Austria.

Come and join us!




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