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Joomla 4.1.0 Stable - New standards in accessible website design

Joomla 4.1.0 Stable

The Joomla! Project is thrilled to announce the features-packed and timely release of Joomla 4.1.

This release sets new standards in accessible web design and brings exciting new features, highlighting Joomla's values of inclusiveness, simplicity and security into an even more powerful open-source web platform.

With Joomla 4.1, we have new features for bloggers and authors, web designers and extension developers, web agencies or multinationals. The highlights being:

Tasks Scheduler

Do you have tasks you do time and time again? Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with the new Task Scheduler. 

Joomla extensions will be able to take advantage of the new feature, giving you the power to time work and run it on a regular basis. Even if your website host does not allow cron jobs, we have got you covered by letting your visitor trigger the execution in the background.

And, of course, developers will be able to take advantage of the core scheduler to automate their extensions, taking their applications to a new level of productivity.

The new Task Scheduler comes in addition to the existing Workflows Manager and Web Services introduced in Joomla 4.0. This unique combination adds a tremendous potential to Joomla as a Web applications and automation framework.

Taking overrides onto the next level with Child Templates.

With child templates, you can create different instances of a template with one click, changing only the lines of code you need to, it is simple and effective. In the past, personalizing template parts for specific pages involved several technical steps, which are now integrated.

A child template works exactly the same as any other template except that it uses all the code, PHP, CSS and JavaScript of its parent template.

At its most basic level, it only contains a single file, templateDetails.xml, as everything else is inherited from the parent.

Now with a child template, you can customize an override or CSS and keep the parent template as clean as the day your template provider supplied it. This also simplifies your maintenance by allowing you to keep your template up to date, while preserving your changes. 

There is no limit on the number of child templates that you can create so each one could have different layouts and styles.

Accessibility Checker

Jooa11y - The Joomla accessibility and quality assurance tool

Every visitor unable to view your page is potentially a lost customer. Joomla 4's main focus is accessibility, and now we enable authors to create great accessible content with Jooa11y: It visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues.

Ideal for busy content creators, Jooa11y identifies many errors and warnings, providing help and advice on how to fix them.

Jooa11y highlights content issues and is integrated into the content authoring experience.

It has never been so easy to create an accessible website.

Syntax Highlighting in the integrated editor

Sometimes the “What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) is not enough and you have to switch to the HTML code view.

Now with Joomla! 4.1 all the code is syntax highlighted in the built-in TinyMCE editor. This will make it so much easier to read all of your HTML tags and CSS classes. Markup is clearly displayed.

Additionally, you can search and replace directly in the HTML code view.

Inline Help

After we cleaned up a lot of redundant descriptions In Joomla 4.0 we now implement the ability to toggle on/off detailed inline help when needed. So far, this feature is only available for the global configuration settings but can now be extended to any area and also used by Joomla extensions developers.

You can decide if you need support and toggle the extra help on and off. When you are comfortable with how a particular area works, you can turn inline help off and get that minimalist look back.


Want to know how Joomla 4.1.0 will benefit you?

Visit joomla.org/4

Where can I download Joomla 4.1 and the latest update of Joomla 3.10 series, Joomla 3.10.6?

On the Downloads site, of course :)

New Installations

New installation instructions and technical requirements

Install 4.1.0


Install: 3.10.6



Upgrade 4.1.0


Upgrade 3.10.6



Remember… Please clear your browser's cache after updating.

Found a bug? Report it on the Joomla Issue Tracker.

Questions? See the documentation wiki for FAQ’s regarding the 4.1.0 release

You would like to take a tour of Joomla 4 without having to install it? We have a solution for you: Try Joomla 4.1.0 at launch.joomla.org 

How can I upgrade my site to Joomla 4.1?

If your site is a Joomla 4.0.x installation

Then it’s a normal update, backup and update as you would with any Joomla update via the internal updater.

If your site is a Joomla 3.x installation

Don’t stress, you’re not alone, we are guiding you for the mini-migration.

The first step will be to update your site to the latest Joomla 3.10. We invite you to read Joomla 3.10 The Pre-update Checker. The 3.10 update checker will tell you which extensions are compatible with Joomla 4 (great, isn’t it?). 

And then, you just have to follow our step by step tutorials. You can find them on our official documentation at https://docs.joomla.org/Why_Migrate. Planning is the most important part of the mini-migration process. See https://docs.joomla.org/Planning_for_Mini-Migration_-_Joomla_3.10.x_to_4.x to start with. At the bottom of that doc, you can then proceed to the step by step for mini-migration from 3.10.x  to 4.x. and specifically start with planning at (you’ll find plenty of information and tutorial about Joomla 4 on JDocs).

Note: we advise you to first test the migration on a copy of your production site.

Migrate now?

You may also wonder if you have to migrate now? Ideally, you would start the planning of the migration now so that you can migrate once your template and extensions are ready. Use this as an opportunity to remove old and outdated extensions. More can be done with the core, safely and efficiently, so if an extension has not been migrated, see if you really need it..

Keep in mind that Joomla 3.10 is supported for another 1.5 years, so there is no pressure to migrate now, but you shouldn’t wait too long and be ready before 3.10 ends its support.

You can read articles about the process of mini migration and Joomla 4.1in the Joomla Community Magazine.

Make some noise. Joomla 4.1 is out!

We released the best Joomla yet. Let’s tell the world!

Get the message out about the great new features using the hashtag #Joomla4 and #Joomla4All. 

Link to J4 Brochure: https://joom.la/J4brochure

Link to J4 Documentation



Who is Joomla! For?

Do you need to make a website? For personal use, your work, a charity, not for profit. Perhaps a university, local government, then Joomla is for you.

A web agency needs a well-supported framework that can grow as your clients' needs grow. Then Joomla is for you.

Written by volunteers from every sector, it's used all over the internet for all kinds of projects: from blogs and intranets to national government sites. From small shops to world-leading brand sites, Joomla is capable of growing to fit your needs.

Joomla’s power comes from its ever-evolving code base, keeping up with best practices, but also from its large ecosystem of developers who see opportunities in the market and fill those gaps with good software designed to meet real-world needs.

Joomla 4.1 is the latest in a world-class CMS that allows you to start your website knowing it can grow with your needs and scale with your customers.

All this and Joomla 4 is free to use and open-source software. 

What are you waiting for? Install today and grow your future.

How can you help Joomla development?

There are a variety of ways in which you can get actively involved with Joomla. It doesn't matter if you are a coder, an integrator, or a user of Joomla. You can contact any of our volunteer engagement team to get more information, or if you are ready you can jump right into the Joomla! Bug Squad.

The Joomla! Bug Squad and the CMS Release Team are some of the most active teams in the CMS development process and are always looking for people (not just developers) that can help with sorting bug reports, coding patches and testing solutions. A great way for increasing your working knowledge of the Joomla code base, and also a great way to meet new people from all around the world.

If you are interested, please read about us on the Joomla! Wiki and, if you wish to join, email Jacob Waisner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our Bug Squad coordinator.

You can also help Joomla development by thanking those involved in the many areas of the process. The Project also wants to thank all the contributors who have taken the time to prepare and submit work to be included in the Joomla CMS and Framework.

A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Joomla 4.1 is the result of thousands of hours of work by lots of volunteers.

A big thank you goes out to everyone that contributed to the 4.1 release!


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