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3 minutes reading time (582 words)

Conquering the Fear of Blogging

Do you have a fear of blogging? It may seem like an odd question.  I meet with clients regularly and discuss the benefits of sharing their great stories through blogging and the reaction I get is not very encouraging.  It's either "I don't know what to write", "I don't have time", or "Who's going to read it".  As we dive into these thoughts, it tends to boil down to one single theme, their fear of blogging.  I get it.  It may surprise you to learn that it happens to me from time to time.  I utter the same words.  
Here are 3 techniques that have worked for me.  

Technique #1: Relax
Hold on, don't click away just yet, I'm going somewhere with this, I promise.  Often when it comes to blogging, writing in general, anxiety comes from the anticipation of what you're going to write and how it will be received.  It can manifest itself in the form of writer's block, at least it does for me.  I look at my paper, I like to write long-hand for certain types of pieces, or blank screen for what seems like forever and...nothing.  No words, come.  When this happens take a break and relax.  A few yoga poses, a walk around the block, whatever you do that makes you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, DO IT.

Technique #2: Skip it
Yes, I know marketers tell you all the time that you have to be consistent.  If you aren't creating something that is up to your normal quality standard, skip it.  It is better to skip than to tarnish your brand with subpar posts.  Search engine algorithms include quality scores that has more weight than frequency.  You want to keep your quality high both for your own piece of mind as well as for your customers and followers, you all deserve it.

Technique #3: Invite a Guest
It's great to share your voice but if your voice is taking a break, get a guest blogger.  You have those you follow, admire or just enjoy engaging with.  You may have a team (a person or two) that maybe has a topic they'd like to share.  it's a great time to share them with your audience.  To do this, talk with them about your audience and brainstorm about they might write about.  You could also do them ahead of time and keep them in your backlog.  To do this make sure they are time insensitive.

Bonus Technique: Update a Past Post
I should really call this Technique #4 but I like odd numbered list (sorry I digress).  If you're industry that constantly changes like I am, you have lots of content that has a shelf life, it won't be true forever.  Go back and update the information.  Think about the 2016 top trends (pick an industry), which was updated with the 2017 top trends (pick an industry).  

So, you've conquered your fear of blog, what's next?  Here's what I feel is the fun part.  Read for ideas and check out other great content.  Don't copy but allow it to inspire your own great content. Next, pull out your content calendar and make the plan that distributes your great content.  Schedule it and it will get done, don't and it remains only an idea.

There you have it, the 3 techniques (plus a bonus) to help conquer the fear of blogging.  I'd like to know what works for you, please add a comment below.

Thanks for reading.

You may also like: 5 Tips for Beating Blog Block

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